When I think about what brings me down – I think of when the reality of a situation is different from what I want or need, or different from the idea of what I think is good for myself. I have come to the understanding that it is “my mindset of how things seem to me” that makes me respond both emotionally and behaviorally. When this happens, I try to look at what is happening…
Nicolaas Engelbertus
BrowsingNicolaas Engelbertus is a personal development coach with years of experience in of executive coaching, authentic leadership development, and team training. He is an avid surfer and a black belt Bujutsu martial artist, and he’s developed The 7-Step Guide for Resilience to give the world a solution that a person sustains throughout life and does not fade out over time. Find out more about Nicolaas at www.nicolaasengelbertus.com.