Chakra colors. You’ve probably heard of them, but it’s possible you’re not sure what they mean (or why they’re important.)
You’re not alone. The first time many people hear about chakras and chakra colors, they’re a bit stumped or skeptical. We, humans, are generally of the opinion that if you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist.
For the uninitiated, the meaning of chakra is “wheel” or “disc” in Sanskrit. It is used to refer to wheels of energy in our bodies.
Each of the seven chakras corresponds to a different nerve center. It’s believed that each chakra affects various aspects of our wellbeing, health, and spirituality. Likewise, each is governed by a specific chakra color and meaning.
The 7 Chakra Colors and What they Each Mean
1. Red: The Root Chakra
This first chakra, also known as the root chakra, is thought to be the densest of all. Hence why its color is the one representing passion, fire — and danger.
Your root chakra is the color of life force and is the most potent, impactful chakra. Red is linked to the adrenal glands, which control the instinctual “fight or flight” response.
People who love the color red enjoy being present in their physical bodies. They are often ambitious, outgoing, and, yes, fiery! This can manifest as either passion and wild love, or anger and frustration; it depends on the individual experiences of each person
Summary: red chakra meaning
The color red is associated with our root chakra and governs our emotions around love, sex, self-expression, and desire.
How to balance this chakra
To balance the root chakra, say the bija mantra Lam out loud and visualize a red color filling into the base of your spine and flowing down to your feet.
The emotions that balance in this color are your feelings towards love, sex, self-expression, and desire.
2. Orange: The Sacral Chakra
This next chakra is located below the naval and controls creativity and expression. You may have heard that orange is the color of creativity — and this is likely where that came from!
As the sacral chakra is in the belly, it’s the chakra which also relates to our gut feelings and intuition.
If you’re drawn to orange or like to surround yourself with the color, you can expect to feel more optimism, joy, liveliness, and imagination. It is also the color of autumn and reminds us that we need to let some things go to start anew.
Summary: orange chakra meaning
Orange is the color of the sacral chakra and governs our sensuality, our creativity, and our self-esteem.
How to balance this chakra
To balance the sacral chakra close your eyes, say the bija sound Vam and visualize bright orange infusing the sacral area.
The emotions that balance in this color are to do with our sensuality, sexuality, our self-esteem, and our creativity.
3. Yellow: The Solar Plexus Chakra
Yellow corresponds to your third–or solar plexus–chakra and controls the intellect. Those drawn to yellow are partial to intellectual challenges.
On top of this, yellow represents mental courage, self-determination, and strength. If you feel pulled toward yellow, it may signify a certain level of self-assuredness and self-esteem, as well as warmth in personality.
At this point, you’re probably finding that your natural feelings about specific colors make sense: red for passion, orange for creativity, yellow for sunniness.
Summary: yellow chakra meaning
The color yellow is associated with our solar plexus chakra and governs our self-confidence, our fears, and the triggers that cause them and our anxiety.
How to balance this chakra
To balance this chakra close your eyes and say the bija sound Ram and visualize bright yellow color flooding your solar plexus area.
The emotions that balance in this color are your feelings of releasing anxiety, bringing confidence, and assisting in releasing fears.
Discover How To Heal & Align Your 7 Chakras To Elevate Your Life & Bring Your Boldest Dreams Into Reality in This FREE Masterclass>>
4. Green: The Heart Chakra
It may seem counterintuitive that the color green represents the heart chakra. However, green is related to wellbeing, nature, the color of the earth, our core, our foundation… So when you think of it that way, it starts to make sense.
This chakra relates to the heart, lungs, chest — basically, our core functioning areas. If you have a strong, open heart chakra, you stand tall, radiate positive energy and also attract love into your life.
Green is known as an expansive color, so if you are drawn to it or if you surround yourself with it, you’ll experience a sense of calm, acceptance, and open-mindedness. It’s also a good sign for your relationships; tuning in to your heart chakra allows you to be more willing to enter into new partnerships, whether platonic or romantic.
Summary: green chakra meaning
The color green is associated with the heart chakra and governs our emotions around guilt, abundance, and boundaries.
How to balance this chakra
To balance this chakra close your eyes and visualize the color green and say the bija mantra Yam. Imagine the heart filling then overflowing around the torso area with the color green.
The emotions that this chakra can balance helps set boundaries and releases guilt.
5. Blue: The Throat Chakra
We know that blue is a cool color — unless, of course, you believe that blue is the warmest color. However, it’s also calming, soothing, and healing — just like the ocean.
Think about a vast, still ocean: being by the sea provides a sense of calm and serenity, and puts everything in perspective. This chakra color has a similar meaning: the stillness of the color blue allows you to tune in to your inner being and gives a sense of calmness to the busy mind.
Summary: blue chakra meaning
The color blue represents the throat chakra and governs our emotions around self-expression and communication.
How to balance this chakra
To balance this chakra close your eyes and say the bija mantra Ham and visualize bright blue light filling into your throat area.
The emotions that balance in this color allows for ease of clear communication and expression.
6. Indigo: The Third Eye Chakra
Now, you may be wondering, “What exactly is the third eye chakra?” And that’s a very valid question!
In a spiritual sense, the third eye referred to a sense of inner wisdom and knowing; something that you can’t necessarily see, but is there all the same. The third eye may be able to see inner realms of higher consciousness.
So, the fact that Indigo is the color of your third eye chakra is not of little significance. The meaning of indigo, the deep blue-purple, represents the esoteric, and the intuition. Those who have healthy third eye chakras are at peace with themselves and understand that we have a higher calling in this life.
Indigo represents a connection to the Divine, a deep sense of peace and a connection between the material world and the spiritual one.
Summary: indigo chakra meaning
The color indigo is associated with the third eye chakra and governs our intuition and psychic abilities.
How to balance this chakra
To balance this chakra close your eyes and visualize the color indigo. Then say the bija mantra Aum. Then imagine your forehead area infused with indigo light. See it bringing clarity to your thoughts and visualizations.
7. Violet: The Crown Chakra
Violet, the color of your crown chakra, has the shortest wavelength and the highest vibration. It is the color of spirituality and is our connection to heaven
Violet encourages peaceful endings and new beginnings. The crown chakra is located at the top of our being (in our skull, cerebral cortex, and brain). It references our intellectual being, as well as the way it connects to our body as a whole, and our inner spirit. Violet is a peaceful color, and one of transcendence.
Surrounding yourself with violet, and opening your crown chakra, will give you a sense of wholeness with the universe. When you achieve this level of connection, you realize that there is no separation between you and the world around you; in fact, that we are all one.
Summary: violet chakra meaning
The violet crown chakra governs our connection to ourselves and our emotions around meditation.
How to balance this chakra
To balance this chakra close your eyes and visualize the color violet infusing around your head then say the bija mantra Ah. Then imagine yourself having positive kind thoughts about yourself. You could visualize everything being clear and connected.
For a simple and extended explanation of chakras, check out this incredible article on the seven different chakra colors. It tells you everything you need to know about your energy centers. As you’ll learn, each chakra is vibrating at a different frequency and responds to different wavelengths of light.
Unblock Chakras For Optimal Life Balance
How do you know whether an emotional blockage is keeping you from moving forward in life?Most of us carry emotional blockages. They can show up anywhere — in our relationships, at work.
These blocks create an imbalance in mind, body, and spirit but we can restore balance through an ancient energy system.
Recognising where an energy block has accumulated is the first step.
But leaning how to unblock chakras is what’s needed to restore balance in the body and mind.
If you want to discover how to heal & align your 7 Chakras to elevate your life & bring your boldest dreams into reality, then join this Free Masterclass with Leading Chakra Expert & Energy Healer, Anodea Judith, where you’ll learn:
✅ Discover the “architecture of your soul” through your seven chakras – and how each chakra impact key elements of your human experience (from your wealth, your love life, your ability to communicate, and more.)
✅ Rapidly diagnose which of your chakras are open or closed so you can identify which area of your life to focus your attention to most.
✅ The #1 mistake spiritually-inclined people make in their spiritual growth journey that actually makes them feel less fulfilled and whole in life.
✅ How to use the “2-Way Chakra Energy Current” so you can manifest your ideal life AND tap into a higher consciousness for inspiration – all at the same time.
✅ Ever find yourself reliving the same negative life experiences over and over again? Learn how to use your Chakras as a tool to heal even your most painful traumas and finally liberate yourself from a cycle of pain, frustration and anxiety.
Register Today And Discover The Art of Balancing Your 7 Chakras To Heal and Manifest Your Ideal Life