After the First Chakra, the Second Chakra, or Sacral chakra, is the next most likely to imbalanced. The side effects of a sacral chakra blockage can wreak havoc on your life, so understanding this energy center and how you can balance it is crucial.
The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhishthana in Sanskrit, is located along your spine about 2 inches below your belly button.
It deals with issues of self-worth, creativity, relationships, pleasure, and sexuality, and it is blocked and weakened by self-criticism and guilt.
5 Signs You have a weak sacral chakra
1. You are plagued by guilt and reluctant or unwilling to forgive yourself for past mistakes.
You are always judging your worthiness compared to others. You tend to avoid the company of people you perceive as more qualified than you because just being around them makes you feel inadequate.
2. You have a fragile sense of self-worth
It’s highly dependent upon pleasing others – especially those you perceive as having power or authority over you. Often, this results in seeing yourself as a self-sacrificing martyr, putting others’ wants and demands before your own needs; all the while harboring silent resentment towards them and self-criticism towards yourself.
3. You get easily offended, hurt or upset by the words and actions of people that you perceive as not appreciating you
You get defensive and tend to condemn others who behave differently than you think they should.
4. You believe that you are flawed and are always under construction.
You don’t trust that you can be loved just for being who you already are. Instead, you believe that you have to continually improve yourself to become worthy of being loved, by others and by yourself.
5. You experience any of the following physical symptoms on a frequent or recurring basis:
Bowel disorders, bladder or urinary tract infections, chronic lower back pain, or sexual appetite imbalances (hyper or hypo sexual).
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How to deal with sacral chakra blockage
1. Reflection
Regardless of your religious beliefs, read the parable of the Prodigal Son in the Bible (Luke 15:11-32) with an open mind, to help you understand the reality of innate self-worth.
In the parable, the younger son believes that his worth was unearned through his actions, and the older son believes that his worth was earned through his actions. Their father teaches them both that their value to him is innate and cannot be earned or unearned.
No particle can grow to seedling from anything but the whole. You know this. Why this continuous personal critique? – Rumi
This is true of all of us. Sit with this until you feel in your gut that it’s true for you. Whatever comes up emotionally, let it come up and let it flow. That is what is blocking your Second Chakra.
2. Redefinition
Upgrade your definition of self-forgiveness. To forgive yourself is to give away the idea that you need to be punished for what you’ve done. Yes, all actions have consequences, but consequences are teachers, not judges that declare you unworthy.
Let your current circumstances be your teacher and look for lessons in them that will help you make better choices.
Stop punishing yourself for your mistakes by believing they make you unworthy. It isn’t productive, it isn’t necessary, and it creates a sacral chakra blockage.
3. Sound Vibration
Sing the word “move” holding out the “ooo” sound as long as your breath allows.
The word “move” provides the proper vowel sound and has a meaning related to the Second Chakra. Think of moving onward and upward instead of being stuck in guilt and self-criticism anymore.
As you hold out the “ooo” sound, bring your attention to your Second Chakra (two inches below your belly button along your spine). Try to feel it vibrating and glowing orange, sending life and health to your lower abdomen and all its vital organs.
4. Practice the “Bellows” Chakra Breath
Slowly expand your lower abdomen in all directions, silently drawing in a breath through your nose (or mouth, if the nose is congested). Focus more on opening the space in your abdomen with your muscles and creating a natural vacuum that automatically draws air in rather than inhaling.
Hold the breath in for a few counts and then contract the lower abdomen, and use your core muscles to press every last bit of air out, bringing your belly button towards your spine. Hold the breath out for a few counts and then repeat the cycle as many times as you like
5. Yoga Asana
Perform the “Hula Hips” yoga asana (see illustration).
Begin in a standing position, feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward. Place your hands on your hips and slowly rotate your hips in a clockwise direction, making as large a circle around your centerline as possible while keeping your feet planted.
Breathe naturally as you rotate for 20-30 seconds in a clockwise direction, and then reverse to a counter-clockwise direction for another 20-30 seconds.
Imagine breaking up all the crustiness and tension held in your hips by years of self-criticism. As self-criticism and guilt are broken away, and the orange glow of your Second Chakra begins to shine forth, you gain freedom of motion in all directions. Not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.
Unblock Chakras For Optimal Life Balance
How do you know whether an emotional blockage is keeping you from moving forward in life?Most of us carry emotional blockages. They can show up anywhere — in our relationships, at work.
These blocks create an imbalance in mind, body, and spirit but we can restore balance through an ancient energy system.
Recognising where an energy block has accumulated is the first step.
But leaning how to unblock chakras is what’s needed to restore balance in the body and mind.
If you want to discover how to heal & align your 7 Chakras to elevate your life & bring your boldest dreams into reality, then join this Free Masterclass with Leading Chakra Expert & Energy Healer, Anodea Judith, where you’ll learn:
✅ Discover the “architecture of your soul” through your seven chakras – and how each chakra impact key elements of your human experience (from your wealth, your love life, your ability to communicate, and more.)
✅ Rapidly diagnose which of your chakras are open or closed so you can identify which area of your life to focus your attention to most.
✅ The #1 mistake spiritually-inclined people make in their spiritual growth journey that actually makes them feel less fulfilled and whole in life.
✅ How to use the “2-Way Chakra Energy Current” so you can manifest your ideal life AND tap into a higher consciousness for inspiration – all at the same time.
✅ Ever find yourself reliving the same negative life experiences over and over again? Learn how to use your Chakras as a tool to heal even your most painful traumas and finally liberate yourself from a cycle of pain, frustration and anxiety.
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