5 Easy Meditation Techniques for Effective Meditation

Meditation is one of those things that we all want to do, and maybe you already have your own meditation techniques you utilize. However, for many of us, the chatter of our busy minds can make sitting down to meditate an exercise in frustration rather than relaxation.

Here are 5 impactful meditation techniques to get started

Meditation Technique #1: Breathing Meditation

This is one of the best meditation techniques for beginners. Ancient, powerful and effective, by simply watching your breath, you give your mind something to focus on in a relaxed way.

Get yourself in a comfortable position, close your eyes and begin to observe the sensations of breathing. Pay attention to how it feels as you draw air in through your nose, down into your lungs and back out again through your mouth.

You don’t need to control or force your breathing in any way. Just watch. If your mind wanders – and it will – don’t worry or criticize yourself, this is normal in the beginning. Gently bring your attention back to your breathing and continue.

Meditation Technique #2: Mindfulness Meditation

This type of meditation allows you to be fully present in the moment by bringing your attention to the sensations within your body.

Start by focusing on your breath then allow yourself to become aware of other sensations – how you’re sitting, where you feel tension or tingling or ease. The goal here is to become a neutral observer.

Try not to analyze or judge anything you experience or any thought that passes through your mind. Simply observe.

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Meditation Technique #3: Mantra Meditation

The ancient Sanskrit word, “aum” is a mystical syllable often used in chants or as a meditative mantra. By repeating a sacred word or meaningful phrase (including short affirmations) you can bring your mind to a state of focused tranquility.

You can say the mantra aloud or repeat it silently.

Meditation Technique #4: Walking Meditation

If sitting still for too long makes you squirm, try the walking meditation technique. You can do this just about anywhere, although a garden or other pleasing environment is ideal.

Simply focus on your body as it moves: your arms as they swing, your legs as they lift and extend, your feet as they rise and touch the ground.

As with all meditation techniques, when you find your mind wandering, gently bring your attention back to the movement. Try not to judge, just observe the sensation of walking.

Meditation Technique #5: Empty Mind Meditation

This meditation technique allows you to be aware without any specific focus. Simply sit quietly with your eyes closed and allow thoughts to float freely in and out of your mind. As they come and go, observe them without judgment or attachment.

In Closing

These meditation techniques are simple enough to start your meditation practice, or enhance your existing one. We’d love to know what other meditation techniques you use at home or in your classes, so comment below! :)

View Comments

  • Great information on different ways to get started meditating. I've tried mostly all of then and frequently change between them according to what "feels right" at that time.

  • For any meditation to be effetive, control of your mind is necessary. As per Hindu philosophy of Vedanta, root cause of all mental agitation is desire. Desire for wealth,comfort, food etc; These desires stem out of your unmanifested desire ( Called 'vasanas' in sanskrit.)Meditation helps in systematically removing this desire. It is achieved by training your intellect to control the mind, especially at meditation time. Develop your intllect to control your mind. This can only be achieved by constant training. Anger, jealosy, hatred, coveting of others riches all these are the result of your unmanifested desires. So meditation cannot be expected to yield results over-night. It requires a lot of time & effort by the intellect.

  • it,s almost 20 years i meditate it,s very useful for my health i have overcome to my blood pressure and heart sickness

  • Excellent summary. I just sit and become aware of my body, starting with my feet and move upwards towards the top of your head.

  • Focusing on an object works the best for me. An object I find pleasurable and enjoy; a flower, an animal, usually a puppy, a sunset, a tree, etc.; when my thoughts wander, I just refocus on my object but let the thoughts come and go and they always go.....to let the new ones enter my thoughts..trying to block them will get me nowhere, just frustrated...

  • Visualizing numbers from 1 to whenever, to get your mind relaxed and focused seems to do the trick for me. As for when you become in "state" or trance, after you have silenced your mind, you can go in a couple of directions from my experience. There is the Kundalini, which you can find out information on this subject - very powerful - and very energy clearing and awakening. Then there is the focus on the zero point field of "X", in which you can focus on an X in the center view point of your mind. If you're not a visualizer or have trouble visualizing then you can repeat affirmations in your head that you have specifically written out and remember and which work for you. Practice and routine with a disciplined effort is clearly the defining factor here since from my experience you build up a sort of momentum from daily meditations. You feel better, think better, sleep better, more creativity just flows, and your overall sense of well being and purposefulness is evident.

  • Visualizing numbers from 1 to whenever, to get your mind relaxed and focused seems to do the trick for me. As for when you become in "state" or trance, after you have silenced your mind, you can go in a couple of directions from my experience. There is the Kundalini, which you can find out information on this subject - very powerful - and very energy clearing and awakening. Then there is the focus on the zero point field of "X", in which you can focus on an X in the center view point of your mind. If you're not a visualizer or have trouble visualizing then you can repeat affirmations in your head that you have specifically written out and remember and which work for you. Practice and routine with a disciplined effort is clearly the defining factor here since from my experience you build up a sort of momentum from daily meditations. You feel better, think better, sleep better, more creativity just flows, and your overall sense of well being and purposefulness is evident.

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